08/26/02 |
Address the Scandal Thoroughly, but QuicklyThe infamous eleven minutes of anti-Catholicism on Opie and Anthonys New York radio show have pushed me into a more decisive stance regarding the Churchs current scandal. Listening to degenerates who encouraged a man on parole to defile a holy place on a holy day claim the moral high ground, listening to their on-the-scene producer tell a St. Patricks usher that he is supporting pedophilia by remaining a Catholic, I became convinced that a drawn-out resolution to the scandal would unnecessarily protract the suffering of all Catholics.
08/19/02 But Still... Media Evidence Against Steven Hatfill (Media) 08/12/02 A Conversion... of Sorts (Religion) 08/05/02 A Bright Future for Revolution, Part 3 (Technology) 07/29/02 Money and Politics: So Whats the Point? (Economics) 07/22/02 Quantum Morality (Religion) 07/15/02 In Cahoots (Life) Archives back to 10/29/01 |